Rx Rad Power™ is a first-of-its-kind external radiator / condenser cleaner that is tough on dirt but easy on the environment. Unlike most cleaning products on the market Rx Rad Power™ is eco-friendly as its pH level is similar to that of human skin (5.0). Its foaming action powerfully breaks down grease and grime while being completely safe for your car’s other components.
Radiator Rx company President Kevin Kaminski said "The main purpose of the radiator is to help cool the engine. A dirty radiator and condenser decreases the efficiency of cooling the car and the engine. When a compressor is working properly, it should take approximately 5 minutes for the air conditioner to cool down the interior of the car. It may take 10-20 minutes to achieve that result with a dirty condenser thereby increasing the engine's fuel consumption. Also, the compressor will break down more easily when it needs to work under high temperature and pressure for long periods of time. If the air conditioner doesn't work well, the engine needs to operate harder and longer".
When an A/C system contains sludge, compressor debris or other solid contaminants it tends to perform at less than optimal levels. Debris can plug up the expansion valve causing a blockage and loss of cooling. Such blockages can also prevent the circulation of oil in the system, starving the compressor of lubrication.
Traditional air blowing or water flushing can only help clean the radiator to a certain degree. Most mechanics try to avoid using the dangerous Acid-washing method, which may cause damage to the car. Previously, there was no other option but now we are proud to offer Rx Rad Power™ as a safe and fast radiator cleaning product.
Kevin continued; "We have developed a revolutionary external green radiator cleaner Rx Rad Power™ Radiator and Condenser Activator. Rx Rad Power™ is based on a surface activator (surfactant) that reacts to the dirt on the condenser/radiator instantly". All foreign objects on the condenser/radiator will then be taken away by a simple Spray and Rinse process, a total cleaning solution to improve cooling system efficiency and life. You see, increased air flow to the engine reduces your vehicles fuel consumption by up to 15%. That can be an average savings of $200 annually on fuel costs or more..
Our unique Rx Rad Power™ Radiator and Condenser Cleaner has been fully tested for four years on over 500,000 cars in Taiwan alone. About 8% of the total car owners in Taiwan have received our product service with high levels of customer satisfaction. And it's now available in the US online at http://www.greenradiatorcleaner.com or for corporate sales http://www.radiator-rx.com Bill Watchulonis is the North American Sales Representative and can be reached toll free at 888-567-2143
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